344th Bomb Group & Milk Run On-line
This website by Carl Carrozza provides information for those interested in the history of our WWII flying men and the B-26 Marauder. This site is the official website of the 344th Bomb Group.
If you or a relative or friend was a member of the 344th Bomb Group (which includes the 494th, 495th, 496th, and 497th Bomb Squadrons) and you need information, or if you have information, photos, diary, letters, mission log of a 344th veteran and would like it published here please contact me at damonbok@hotmail.com
If you would like to contribute to the 344th BG (Suggested $10 annual membership) please send a check to;
Mr. Chris Horn –
344th Bomb Group
1469 SW Dyer Point Rd, Palm City, FL 34990
Data Archives
Accident Reports on Loss of Planes and Personnel
344th Mission List and Interactive Map
MACRs Missing Air Crew Reports and Summarys
List of 344th BG Aircraft with Links to Images update (2/18/15)
Accident Reports on Loss of Planes and Personnel
495th Roster During Frank Carrozza’s Tour (beginning 6/44)
344th Archive Reels
Gay or Macabre (How 344th Marauders Were Named
Frank Carrozza’s War Stories
B-26 in a Hollywood Movie!
Lt. General Emmanuel Schifani
Clay-Andeson 344th First Kill of ME 109 Fighter
Final Flight: Lt. Don (Corky) Korkowski 344th BG 494th BS
Final Flight: Lt. Ed Horn 344th BG 497th BS
The Latest Milk Run Newsletter: June 2019!
Friends Journal Spring 2018 Includes Article About Ed Horn
2017 Reunion Dayton, OH – pictures and article
See below for profiles of individual airmen.

Jack Havener’s book was published with the hard work of 344th BG President, Chris Horn. It is offered by Amazon.
NEW-Recently Added Information and Links
Capt. George F. Seelinger MD.
Lt. Joseph W. Esworthy
Col. Cletus Wray
Sgt. Wendell Mark Cave
1st Lt. Thomas J. Lewnes
Flight Officer Robert Leroy Stoick
Sgt. Glenn Leroy Tawney
Final Flight George Eldridge
2nd Lt. Thomas L. Landor
The L-4 Grasshopper
Final Flight: Lt. Ed Horn 344th BG 497th BS
Final Flight: Sgt. Joe Crossan,
Milk Run August 2019
Lt. Casey Hasey’s First Bomb Mission
Lt. Casey Hasey Remembers D-Day
S/Sgt. Charles Franklin Brooker
Letter From Don Korkoski
Lt. Joseph W. Scott, Pilot 497th BS Let-Hal Lady (updated 11/25/19)
Korkowski’s Controversial Picture
497 BS Bomber Jacket
Final Flight: Otto “Kirk” Kirkpatrick
The Wall of the Missing: 344th BG
“Hidden Warbirds” Million Dollar Valley Marauders
Ed Horn has been honored by the Friends Journal
Accident Reports on Loss of Planes and Personnel
2017 Reunion Dayton, OH – pictures and article
The Latest Milkrun Newsletter: June 2017 Reunion Info!
Account of Crash of Coral Princess by Bomb/Nav Joseph R. Chiozza:
Medals and Awards
March 28, 1945 Collision Over A-59
The Latest Milkrun Newsletter: June 2017 Reunion Info!
Milk Run Archive 1988-present
News and Information
497 BS Bomber Jacket
Korkowski’s Controversial Picture
Milk Run: Official Newsletter 344th Bomb Group ( more issues to be added)
Friends Journal Spring 2018 Includes Article About Ed Horn
344th Reunion-2013/(new 10/10/13)
2014 New Orleans Reunion 344th BG 495th BS
Thank You to 344th BG Reunion Attendees (10/7/15)
2016 344th Bomb Group Reunion (9/22/16)
344th Bomb Group Missions on an interactive map (11/24/15)
Shopworn Angel and Other B-26 Paper Models You Can Make (8/28/16)
Shopworn Angel Artwork: Support Honor Flights (4/9/16)
“Gunnery Sense” Training Publication (4/20/15)
1st Pathfinder Squadron (1/1/16)
Battle For Arnhem Bridge Oct 7, 1944 (12/21/15)
WWII Leather Squadron/Group Patches (8/23/15)
344th BG KIA MIA (Courtesy of Milk Run 344th BG) (8/15/15)
Profiles of the Marauder Men
The Wall of the Missing: 344th BG
Original Occupants of Hut #10 Stansted (1/19/17)
Major John H. Adams 496th BS
Lt. Harold V. Aiken (Carrozza’s 1st Co-Pilot) Memoirs/Missions & More 495th BS (3/1/13)
Final Flight: Lt. Harold V. Aiken
Lt. William S. Andrews 495th & 494th
J.R. Ashberry, Pilot 344th BG 494th BS (12/27/15)
My Life in the service: John J Beddingfield Jr. Engineer/Gunner 496th BS(5/30/14)
Update John J. Beddingfield (links and after war info)
2nd Lt. Edward Borresen
2nd Lt. Mark Pritchard Bratton
1st Lt. Whitey Bressler a Biography
Roland ‘Whitey” Bressler – Final Flight 8/12/ 2018
S/Sgt. William H. Brockdorf, Sr.
S/Sgt. Charles Franklin Brooker
1st Lt. Rodney T. Brubaker
Captain Keith Caldwell
Frank Carrozza’s War Stories
Update on Carrozza crewmate Lt. Carlson, Bomb/Nav 495th BS(1/15/14)
Pictures and Documents on crewmate Lt. Carlson (1/28/14)
Sgt. Wendell Mark Cave
Lt. Clyde Donald Chaney
Account of Crash of Coral Princess by Radio/Gunner Joseph R. Chiozza:
T/Sgt. Michael Christopher Radio/Gun 344th BG 496th BS
S/Sgt. Vincent Cirincione
Captain Lucius D. Clay, Jr., Pilot Group Commander (3/27/15)
Clay-Andeson 344th First Kill of ME 109 Fighter
2nd Lt. Irwin Phillip Cohen
2nd Lt. Willie Cone, Bomb/Nav 494th BS
1st Lt. Robert D. Conrad, Pilot 344th BG 494th BS (11/3/15)
S/Sgt. Evan B. Cook 494th BS
Captain Gerald Corrigan
1st Lt. Milton A. Courtright 495th BS
George W. Crittenden, Bombardier 495th (4/16/15)
Read an exclusive first hand description of experimental night bombing missions from bombardier George Crittenden.
Sgt. Joe Crossan, Eng/Gun 494th BS (6/18/16)
1st Lt. Joseph W. Curley
William E. Davis, Eng/Gun 495th BS Pictures of bomber jacket (6/23/14)
S/Sgt Roger W. Danner 495th BS
S/Sgt. Charles D’Atrio
2nd Lt. Fred Dees
Sgt. Edward W. Dollahan, Engineer/Gunner 495th BS (4/4/16)
James K. Dumas, Tail Gunner 495th (5/22/14)
Sgt. Homer Dean Duncan
Sgt. Frank M. Dymnicki (1/4/17)
Corporal Donald Earlywine
1st Lt. George W. Eldridge, Bombardier 344th BG 494th BS (3/20/16)
Final Flight George Eldridge
War War II Memoirs of Santo Endrizzi (5/21/14)
Santo Endrizzi: An Old Friend Ground Crew 495th (new 4/28/13)
Santo Endrizzi: Receives Legion of Honor Medal
Lt. Joseph W. Esworthy
Lt. Richard Farnsworth, Pilot 344th BG Silver Star Winner (8/6/15)
Sgt. J.Q. Frierson, Crew Chief
Major Neil Fitzgerald(10/11/17)
1st Lt. Robert S. FitzSimmonds, Pilot 495th (6/15/15)
James Gatlin, Pilot 391th BG Shot Down on Same Mission as Shopworn Angel (4/29/15)
S/Sgt Samuel M. Gold
Captain John C. Graves 494th BS
Carl E. Griffith, Bomb/Nav 495th BS 1st Crew of Shopworn Angel
Susie Griffith Barbaer Locates Shopworn Angel Pictures!
2nd Lt. Robert L. Haag
Lt. Casey Hasey’s First Bomb Mission
Lt. Casey Hasey: A letter home (updated 8/01/13)
Lt. Casey Hasey, Bombardier 495th BS: Book and Interview (3/30/13)
Hasey Casey’s Book on Amazon.com! (10/12)
Casey Hasey – Final Flight August 21, 2018
Lt. Casey Hasey Remembers D-Day 4/22/20
S/Sgt. Clayton F. Haskell
Info: Edwin L. Hickey, Tailgunner 495th from Shopworn Angel first crew (new 9/24/13)
Cpl. George C. Hoagland
Lt. Edward Horn, Co-Pilot 344th BG 497th BS (1/27/16)
Ed Horn has been honored by the Friends Journal
Stansted Airport Celebrates 7oth anniversary with Ed Horn and 344th (new 11/10/13)
Final Flight: Lt. Ed Horn 344th BG 497th BS
Cpl. Julian (Jay) Hotard 497th BS
2nd Lt. Raymond J. Jewett 496th BS
Captain Tom Johnson, Pilot 344th BG 494th BS (updated 3/21/21)
In Memory: Alf Egil Johanneson
2nd Lt. Wilmouth Keller
Lt. Wilmoth (Bill) Keller 496th BS
2nd Lt. Otto Kirkpatrick, Nav. 344th BG 494th BS and 11 Pathfinder Squadron(1/1/16)
Final Flight: Otto “Kirk” Kirkpatrick
Sargeant John Kolthoff Bombardier 495th BS (12/31/14)
Mission Log Summary: Sargeant John Kolthoff Bombardier (12/31/14)
Mission Log: Sargeant John Kolthoff Bombardier (12/31/14)
Lt. Don (Corky) Korkowski, Pilot 344th BG 494th BS (3/22/16)
Letter From Don Korkoski
Final Flight: Lt. Don (Corky) Korkowski 344th BG 494th BS
2nd Lt. Thomas L. Landor
1st Lt. Lewis Ezell Lanford
1st Lt. Ralph N. Leone(1/14/17)
1st Lt. Thomas J. Lewnes
2nd Lt. George Lyons 494th BS
S/Sgt. Ernest Mandeville
T/Sgt. August B. Marineeli, Radio/Gunner 495th BS
S/Sgt Wayne L. Martin 494th BS
1st Lt. Silas Carl May 496th BS
S/Sgt. Cleveland Mayfield 495th BS
Edward C McCarter, Tailgunner/Armor 495th BS remembered by Dutch (Sexy Sal II) (5/3/15)
T/Sgt. Ed A. McGarrahan
Lt. Bennie D. McSwain
2nd Lt. Charles Middleton
A Visit To Dachau by Bob Monson 494th BS
Lt. Donald Moomaw, Pilot 495th BS (6/12/16)
New Photo of Shopworn Angel from Donald Moomaw
Don Moomaw locates a picture of a Shopworn Angel crewman.
New Pictures Don Moomaw
Final Flight: The Passing of Don Moomaw (10/7/15)
1st Lt. Moore, Pilot of Nick’s Chick 495th BS (new 9/19/13)
Updates and Additions Lt. Moore and Nick’s Chick (new 9/19/13)
Lt. Fritz Morrison 344th BG 497th BS(12/22/16)
Einar Nielsen, Radio/Gunner 495th BS (3/19/15)
Jens A. Norgaard, Pilot 495th BS (1/18/15)
Col. Jens A. Norgaard (8/1/19)
T/Sgt. James G. Ovens
Sgt. Roy Fred Pace
Cpl. Leonard Norris Pew (10/1/17)
Final Flight: Sgt. William A. Poche radio/gun 494th (3/27/18)
Experiences of Norman D. Polk (1/18/15)
Sergeant Norman D. Polk, Radio/Gun (1/18/15)
Captain William Reitz (7/18/19)
2nd Lt. Austin Roberts
Sgt. Jesse McIntosh Scott
Lt. Joseph W. Scott, Pilot 497th BS Let-Hal Lady (updated 11/25/19)
POWs Scott, Tharp, Leone, Murphy, Williams (1/19/17)
Lt. General Emmanuel Schifani
Capt. George F. Seelinger MD.
1st Lt. Martin (Marty) Sidener
1st Lt. Leigh Slates, Pilot Transferred 497th BS Plane and the Me262 (4/7/16)
Sgt. Henry Clayton Smith 494th BS
Co-Pilot Woody Smith 496th Timeline
1st Lt. Michael Sopronyi, Navigator 494th BS (7/2/16)
Flight Officer Robert Leroy Stoick
1st Lt. Frederick D. Storey
S/Sgt Irving Sugarman, Radio/Gunner 494th BS Memorabilia (6/24/15)
Sgt. Glenn Leroy Tawney
S/Sgt. Carl J. Teahan
S/Sgt. Cornelius Vander Lugt: Shopworn Angel Tailgunner 495th BS (4/15/14)
Marcel van der Lugt Makes Shopworn Angel Jacket (6/8/15)
Lt. Harold A. Walton, Co-Pilot 344th BG 497 BS (11/24/15)
1st Lt. Robert Warda
2nd Lt. Charles Henry Ware Jr.
2nd Lt. Robert L. Westholm, Bombardier/Nav 344th BG 494th BS (3/21/16)
2nd Lt. Buck Wilson Co-Pilot and Y5-H 495th BS(8/24/15)
Lt. Col. Robert Witty with Major Jewell C. Maxwell (1/19/17)
Lt. Col. Robert Witty (1/19/17)
Captain Woodrum, Pilot 495th: Newly added pictures (updated 8/29/13)
Captain Woodrum, MACR of Crash of Y5-T, 42-107608
Read an Excerpt of “Walkout” a book by Hank Woodrum, first pilot of the Shopworn Angel
“Walkout” Woodrum’s book is now available!
Hank Woodrum Jr and family reunite with father’s rescuers
Col. Cletus Wray
1st Lt. Glenn R. Young
Captain William Nelson Young M.D.
S/Sgt. John W. Zaucha
2nd Lt. Harry Zeust, Bomb. 495th A Bittersweet Valentines Story
About the Planes
Gay or Macabre (How 344th Marauders Were Named
“Hidden Warbirds” Million Dollar Valley Marauders
IWM Photo Archive 344th
The L-4 Grasshopper
Crash of the Valkyrie
B-26 Marauder Interior Pictures (7/26/14)
344th MACR/Fatalities/Accidents Summary Spread Sheet
History of the Shopworn Angel, Y5-J, 42-95917
What Happened to the Planes of the 344th BG? (12/27/14)
Silver Streaks Nose Art
German Crash Report of the Shopworn Angel translated (8/12/14)
The Wizard of Koz (12/20/15)
Margatan Cemetary/Memorial, Netherlands: Fields of Honor Database (4/29/14)
List of 344th BG Aircraft with Links to Images (3/26/14)
The Silver Streaks Compiled Information
Jimmy Doolittle Saves the B-26 (10/08/16)
Airplane Spotter & Icelandic Playing Cards (3/22/14)
Complete Story of the Bombing Mission to the Engers RR Bridge (3/10/14)
What if I’m Captured (Frank’s survival items) (2/3/14)
Summary: third and Final Crew of the Shopworn Angel (1/16/14)
B-26 Christmas (12/25/13)
Final Flights of the 344th (11/30/13)
344th Bomb Group 495th Bomb Squadron Summary (11/30/13)
Norden Bombsite: Dropping Bombs in a Barrel.
A Book Based on 344th Bomb Squadron and John Myers (new 10/3/13)
“Time Over Targets” Bkt Given to Frank Carrozza
“Gunnery Sense” Bkt Given to Frank Carrozza
History Channel B-26 Documentary
Build A B-26 from paper!
Honor Flight Video
“A Higher Call” A Book I Highly Recommend
A Visit to the Empire State Aerosciences Museum (new 10/12)
Memorial Day Notes
The Crash of the Shopworn Angel
(1/12 ) Link to a German Data Base with Shopworn Angel Info
Some newly scanned photos of Frank Carrozza
T/Sgt. Frank P. Carrozza (webmaster’s father).
Medals and Awards
Frank Carrozza’s Dog Tags: What Information Do They Include?
Letters to Frank Carrozza From His Father (new 9/2/13)
Dad’s Wartime Prayer Book (4/2/15)
Frank and Lucy Answer Student Questions About the War (4/2/15)
Frank Carrozza Awarded the Jubilee of Liberty Medal
Video of the Jubilee of Liberty Award Ceremony
66th Anniversary of D-Day. Frank Carrozza remembers.
67th Anniversary of D-Day. Frank Carrozza remembers.
Frank Carrozza 70th Anniversary of D-Day Participation (5/6/14)
Memorabilia and Awards Frank P. Carrozza (2/2/14)
Frank Carrozza’s Honor Flight
Final Flight: Frank P. Carrozza

Webmaster Carl Carrozza. damonbok@hotmail.comI dedicate this page to my father, Frank P. Carrozza: 344th Bomb Group 495 Bomb Squadron . Click here for a biographic sketch .