Target Unknown (1951)
I recently found out that there is only one movie that features B-26 Marauders. It is called Target Unknown (1951). I couldn’t find a copy of it til I came to a webpage, DVDLady. Because I am a webmaster for the 344th BG, she donated a copy of the DVD. In the movie the fictitious bomb group originates from Stansted, England. The same as the 344th BG. Here is a link to a clip from the beginning of the movie. Also, you can order your own copy from
Watch a clip of the opening scene.
In 1944, an American bomber squadron is tense and discontented from too many missions over France. Luck runs out for Capt. Stevens and his crew; they must bail out and are promptly taken prisoner. Their wily German captors, sensing that they have valuable information unknown even to themselves, use every form of velvet-glove trickery to worm it out of them. Will Stevens discover the danger? If so, what can he do about it? The fate of 100 planes depends on the answer.