S/Sgt. Wayne L. Martin
S/Sgt. Wayne L. Martin served with the 344th BG / 494th BS. Martin and crew were shot down by flak near the target on the 23/9/44 mission to the Venlo Marshaling yards. The aircraft piloted by 1st Lt. Carson Wilkes Carrington took a direct hit which blew off the left wing ot their Marauder. The aircraft flipped over on its back and spun down, crashing at Rumeln-Kaldenhausen near Duisburg, next to the Aubruchs canal. There were no survivors.

Training crew photo: L to R Lt. Carrington (pilot), Lt. Benco (co-pilot), Lt. Westholm (Bomb/Nav.), S/Sgt. Martin (Eng/Gun), S/Corrie (Radio/Gun), Sgt. Knight (Armor/Gun)
42-107679 K9-M 1st Lt. Carson W Carrington
On Tuesday, August 5, 2014, 8:24 AM, Mary Martin <martin670@yahoo.com> wrote:
This was Dads Pilot, and the man I was named after. I have Carson as my middle name!
June 7, 1944 Mission Marshalling Yard Argentan, France
.Sept 23, 1944 The Mission in which Martin and crew were killed.
Historian’s Summary of:
DATE – 23 September 1944 17:55
MISSION – Venlo Marshalling yards, Holland.
PLANE# 42-107679 K9-M “Hells Kitchen”
344TH BG 494TH BS Station 169-S Stansted
PILOT – 1st Lt. Carson Wilkes Carrington 0-747740 (killed)
COPILOT – 2nd Lt. Frank Brackoneski 0-753490 (killed)
BOMBARDIER– 2nd Lt. Samuel Maynard Thistlethwaite 0-712322 (killed)
RADIO/GUN – Sgt. George Harry Roesser 13-127114 (killed)
ENG/GUN – S/Sgt. Wayne LeRoy Martin 36-566120 (killed)
TAIL/GUN – Pvt. Michael Joseph Flynn 20-247952 (killed)
344th Spread Sheet Info: Shot down by flak near the target on the 23/9/44 mission to the Venlo Marshaling yards. The aircraft flown by 1st Lt. Carson Wilks Carrington took a direct hit which blew off the left wing. The aircraft flipped over on its back and spun down, crashing at Rumeln-Kaldenhausen near Duisburg, next to the Aubruchs canal. There were no survivors.
From 344th BG history edited by Austin Lambert p35: On September 25 [23] we were to attack the Venlo marshaling yard but we were unable to attack our objective. This mission was hotly contested by the enemy and three of the 36 planes dispatched were lost to enemy action, 18 of the personnel in these planes placed on a missing status and 16 planes damaged, causing minor repairs to be made.
[One plane} lost this day [was] crewed by the following: 1st Lt. Carson Wilkes Carrington, Pilot; 2nd Lt. Frank Brackoneski, Co-Pilot; 2nd Lt. Samuel Maynard Thistlethwaite, Bombardier; S/Sgt. Wayne LeRoy Martin, Engineer Gunner; Sgt. George Harry Roesser, Radio Gunner; and Pvt. Michael Joseph Flynn, Tail Gunner.
Missing Air Crew Report: Conditions 7-9/10 Base 3000 to 10,000 middle cloud 3-7/10 at 2000, very hazy. Left from Stagnated 169-S
MACR Statement: Witnesses of crash Merle Fitzpatrick, Robert R. Chalot, Clarence Robertson. Saw no chutes leave the ship or walk away from scene of the crash. Plane was seen to explode as it crashed into the ground.
Result of interrogation: Aircraft was hit by flak over target area (Venlo, Holland), left wing of aircraft was shot off. Plane flipped over on its back and went down in a spin. No chutes were seen to leave the aircraft.
Eyewitness Interrogation: By Clarence C. Robertson
“Aircraft was hit by flak over target area. When I saw the aircraft the wing of the aircraft was missing the plane turned over on its back and spun in. I followed the decent of the aircraft until it exploded when it hit the ground. I did not see any chutes leave the aircraft.”
Roger Carson Martin Post to B26.com: 344th Squadron: 494th Years: 43-44. I’m looking for any info on my father, I know that the BS he flew with were call the Silver Streaks. The # on his B-26 was 42-107679. His pilots name was Carson W. Carrington, I would like to find anyone who may have known him or my father. My fathers name was Wayne L. Martin. Mr.Carrington was not only my fathers pilot, but was one of his best friends. So much so that my father had told my mother if she had a boy, that he wanted him named after his friend.So my middle name is Carson. Any info that you may have,I would be very grateful. Thank you. Roger C. Martin
Carson Wilks Carrington – B-26 Bomber pilot shot down over Germany 23 September 1944 was my first cousin. I have a little bit of data and a few photos. I was born in 1937. He is buried in Arlington Cemetery. Well, he was buried with his crew in Germany and after the war they were dug up and returned to the states. They could not separate the bodies so all four were buried together. -Pat in Arkansas
Alf Egil Johannesson (Historian): Lt. Carson Wilks Carrington was pilot on 42-107679 K9-M of 344th BG 494th BS, which was shot down by flak over Holland September 23 1944 on a mission to Venlo Marshalling Yards. Venlo lies very close to the German border, and part of the German WWII Luftwaffe Base there was located in Germany, and part of it in Holland: http://www.atlantikwall.net/related_fliegerhorst_venlo.htm
The 344th BG lost three planes that day. Lt. Carrington’s crew:
PILOT: Lt Carson Wilks Carrington
CO-PILOT: 2nd Lt. Frank Brackoneski
BOMBARDIER: 2nd Lt. S.F. Thistlewaite
ENGINEER-GUNNER: S/Sgt. Wayne L. Martin
RADIO-GUNNER: Sgt. G.H. Roesser
394th BG was based there from May 2nd 1945, and 397th BG from April 25th 1945.
42-107679 K9-M MACR 9735 344th BG 494th BS
Silver Streaks 60th mission – September 23, 1944
Shot down by flak over Venlo, Holland
Pilot – 1st Lt. Carson W. Carrington (Arlington National Cemetery)
CoPilot – 2Lt. Frank Brackoneski
Bombardier – 2Lt. Samuel F. Thistlewaite
Engineer / Gunner – SSgt. Wayne L. Martin
Radio / Gunner – Sgt. George H. Roesser
Tail Gunner – SSgt. Michael J. Flynn
The target for this mission (#147) was Marshalling Yards at
Venlo, Holland. From the 344th BG history book:” …we were
to attack the Venlo marshalling yard but were unable to attack
our objective. The mission was hotly contested by the enemy
and three of the 36 planes dispatched were lost to enemy action,
18 of the personnel in these planes placed on a missing status
and 16 planes damaged, causing minor repairs to be made.”
Wayne L. Martin
Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Forces
Service # 36566120
494th Bomber Squadron, 344th Bomber Group, Medium
Entered the Service from: Michigan
Died: 23-Sep-44
Buried at: Plot A Row 24 Grave 10
Ardennes American Cemetery
Neupre, Belgium
Awards: Air Medal with 11 OLC, Purple Heart
My father flew with the 344th bomb group and the 494 bomb wing! Their plane’s nose art was called Hells Kitchen!
My fathers name was Wayne L. Martin
S/Sgt. rank. Don’t have to many pic’s
but I do have one group picture of dad
and the crew he flew with!
Wayne Martin
Military | Sergeant | Engineer-Gunner | 344th Bomb Group
Sergeant Wayne Love Martin was born January 23, 1922. His next of kin were his wife, Dolores Martin, and his parents, Roy and Ameda Martin. He was from Detroit, Michigan.
Roger to B26.com: Roger C. Martin BombGp: 344th Squadron: 494th Years: 43-44. I’m looking for any info on my father, I know that the BS he flew with were call the Silver Streaks. The # on his B-26 was 42-107679. His pilots name was Carson W. Carrington, I would like to find anyone who may have known him or my father. My fathers name was Wayne L. Martin. Mr.Carrington was not only my fathers pilot, but was one of his best friends. So much so that my father had told my mother if she had a boy, that he wanted him named after his friend.So my middle name is Carson. Any info that you may have,I would be very grateful. Thank you. Roger C. Martin
Hells Kitchen K9-M was delivered from the Martin Omaha plant. Next listed at Atlanta AP, Georgia (ATC) from 7/2/44. Then went to the 3rd AF staging area at Hunter Field, Savannah, Georgia (from 12/2/44), and then to Homestead Army Air Field, Florida (from 23/2/44), from where the aircraft was flown overseas to the UK via the Southern Ferry Route (Listed as Caribbean Wing), departing the USA on 24/2/44. The record card then lists, SOXO A (Europe) on 24/2/44, and, SOXO R (Europe) on 7/3/44. Served with the 344th BG / 494th BS. Shot down by flak near the target on the 23/9/44 mission to the Venlo Marshalling yards. The aircraft flown by 1st Lt. Carson Wilkes Carrington took a direct hit which blew off the left wing. The aircraft flipped over on its back and spun down, crashing at Rumeln-Kaldenhausen near Duisburg, next to the Aubruchs canal. There were no survivors. The final entry on the aircraft record card lists, GLUE 9AF CON FLAK on 26/9/44.
Hells Kitchen K9-M 9/23/44 Shot Down
1st Lt. Carson Wilkes Carrington (killed) Pilot
2nd Lt. Frank Brackoneski (killed) co-pilot
2nd Lt. Samuel Maynard Thistlethwaite (killed) Bombardiere Navigator
Sgt. George Harry Roesser (killed) Radio/Waist Gunner
S/Sgt. Wayne LeRoy Martin (killed) Engineer Top Turret Gunner
Pvt. Michael Joseph Flynn (killed) Tail Gunner / Armourer