
S/Sgt Vincent Cirincione

Written from correspondence with son, Paul Cirinione. Frank Carrozza, also a radio/gunner remembered his name. They both grew up as Italian Americans in NYC.

Cirincione Portrait Colorized

My late father, Vincent Cirincione was a Staff Sgt. radio/gunner in the 344th BG 495th BS. He passed away when I was 2 years old in 1962.

Cirincione Crew hi res

Photo- S/Sgt. Vincent Cirincione front row and center


He took part in the following offensives;

Cirincione standingDad specifically remembered crew chief John C. Wilder  and  crewmate Joseph P. Huntz.

. Mission Aug. 31, 1944 Gun Positions He de Cezembre The plane was 42-95919 Sexy Sal Y5-L and piloted by 2nd Lt. Cotton. Cirincione and crew flew near the point of the formation in position 1-1-2.

.B0293 p1882 Aug 31, 1944 Form

.B0293 p1882 Cirrincione August 31, 1944

.Mission Sept. 1, 1944 to Gun Positions Brest, France

.B0293A p278 Sept 1, 1944 LL cirrincione

.Again with pilot, 2nd Lt. Cotton. this time flew in 43-34182 Y5-F in position 1-2=-6.

.Mission Sept. 3, 1944 again against gun positions Brest, France. Pilot was Cotton and flew in position 1-2-6. The plane was 43-34182 Y5-F.

.B0293A p268 Sept3, 1944 mission 2 Form

.B0293A Sept 3, 1944 Debrief Cotton cirrincione

.Mission on Sept. 5, 1944 to Gun Positions in Brest, France.

.The pilot was Cotton. The plane was Shopworn Angel 42-95917 Y5-J in position 2-3-4B0294 p48 Sept 5, 1944 Form Cirrincione

.B0294 p54 Sept 5, 1944 LL Cirrincione Cotton

.B0294 p86 Sept 5, 1944 Debrief Cotton Cirrincione



One thing that my brother’s and I have been trying to learn more about was the circumstances of a serious injury our father suffered. We have basic info on what happened, but nothing specific. The injury eventually was a factor in his death 17 years later. The gist of it is this – My father was on the tarmac of their airfield (we don’t know if it was Stansted, France, or Belgium) when another B-26 made a crash landing that resulted in a huge explosion. It was winter and my dad was blown through the air, ripping off his clothes and even his wedding band. He dislocated his bronchial tubes and I believe also contracted pneumonia. He was shipped back state-side where he spent some time in Walter Reed hospital in Wash. D.C. recuperating. He was due to be shipped out to The Pacific when the war ended. We only have one mission related story that our mom told us about. It was of how my dad, while on a mission, witnessed a friend in another B-26 go down. The plane had been badly hit and was in flames when my dad saw his friend waving to them as it headed down. Very sad story indeed.

Cirincione discharge

I discovered that the father of a woman on the tour with me was a pilot on a B26 Martin Marauder based in Stansted, England during WW2! He and Dad were in different squadrons and bomber groups, but he also flew on D Day. He was 19, flew 70 missions and is still alive! This newsreel was filmed during a bombing mission on a B26. He landed the plane with no landing gear. The newsreel was discovered recently by the son of his co-pilot. Small world! “


The web page represents a lot of work. Knowing that it helped you discover even a little piece of your dad’s legacy makes it more than worth it. I appreciated hearing from you.