S/Sgt. Wayne L. Martin
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Initial contact and information from Mary and Roger Martin:
Engineer-Turret Gunner | 344th Bomb Group 494th Bomb Squadron Sergeant Wayne Love Martin was born January 23, 1922. His next of kin were his wife, Dolores Martin, and his parents, Roy and Ameda Martin. He was from Detroit, Michigan.
The Bomb Group he flew with were called the Silver Streaks. The number on his B-26 was 42-107679. His pilots name was Carson W. Carrington, I would like to find anyone who may have known him or my father. My fathers name was Wayne L. Martin. Mr. Carrington was not only my father’s pilot, but was one of his best friends. So much so, that my father had told my mother if she had a boy, that he wanted him named after his friend. So my middle name is Carson. Any info that you may have,I would be very grateful. Thank you. -Roger C. Martin
.Martin flew with Carrington and crew on D-Day. Their plane N3-C is located in position 1-3-6 in the formation diagram. Their mission was to bomb Utah beach to destroy gun emplacements and to create foxholes on the beach.

The load list indicates that the crew consisted of;
1st Lt. Carson Wilkes Carrington Pilot
2nd Lt. Bemke co-pilot
2nd Lt. Carrasce Bombardier/Navigator
Sgt. Gerrie Radio/Waist Gunner
S/Sgt. Wayne LeRoy Martin Engineer Top Turret Gunner
S/Sgt. Knight Tail Gunner / Armorer
Their plane, 42-107853 N3-C, (No Name) took off at 4:00 am and landed 7:55 am having released their bombs on the assigned target.

.The above debrief of the mission filled out by Carrington is barely legible.

S/Sgt. Martin’s mission on June 7, 1944 was to attack a railroad bridge at Tours, La Riche

Martin, Carrington and crew were located in position 2-3-6 of the formation.

The load list indicates that the crew consisted of;
1st Lt. Carson Wilkes Carrington Pilot
2nd Lt. Bemke co-pilot
S/Sgt.. Wassman Toggilier
Sgt. Gerrie Radio/Waist Gunner
S/Sgt. Wayne LeRoy Martin Engineer Top Turret Gunner
S/Sgt. Knight Tail Gunner / Armorer
Their plane, 42-107853 N3-C, (No Name) took off at 13:20 pm and landed 16:50 pm having released their bombs on the assigned target.
S/Sgt. Final Flight taken from 344th BG Silver Streaks History edited by Austin Lambert p35: On September 25 [23] we were to attack the Venlo marshaling yard but we were unable to attack our objective.
This mission was hotly contested by the enemy and three of the 36 planes dispatched were lost to enemy action, 18 of the personnel in these planes placed on a missing status and 16 planes damaged, causing minor repairs to be made.
[One plane] lost this day [was] crewed by the following:
1st Lt. Carson Wilkes Carrington, Pilot;
2nd Lt. Frank Brackoneski, Co-Pilot;
2nd Lt. Samuel MaynardThistlethwaite, Bombardier;
S/Sgt. Wayne LeRoy Martin, Engineer Gunner;
Sgt. George Harry Roesser, Radio Gunner;
Pvt. Michael Joseph Flynn, Tail Gunner.
Eyewitness Interrogation: By Clarence C. Robertson
“Aircraft was hit by flak over target area. When I saw the aircraft the wing of the aircraftwas missing the plane turned over on its back and spun in. I followed the decent of the aircraft until it exploded when it hit the ground. I did not see any chutes leave the aircraft.”

Carrington, Martin and crew flew in 42-107679 K9-M “Hells Kitchen.” Their position was 2-1-6

Above is a hand drawn map of the target on Sept. 23, 1944 were Marshaling Yards VenIo, Netherlands.
To read the full official report and summary of the downing of Carrington, Martin, and crew please read MACR# 9735.

This link includes the details of the communications between the Army Air Corps and S/Sgt. Wayne L. Martin’s family regarding his being missing in action, reported killed, details regarding personal effects, and burial.