Ralph A Mannisto
Thanks to communications with daughter, Eliisa Seigle, I am able to share information and photos connected with Corporal Ralph A. Mannisto. He was a base radio operator for the 344th Bomb Group and an amateur photographer. He may have loaded the cameras on the planes. Ralph A. Mannisto, (3/23/19 – 8/8/06), of Northville, was the son of Gustaf and Hilda (Huhta) Mannisto. He was a U.S. Army Air Force veteran and member of The American Federation of Musicians. After the war he married Ruth Siira Mannisto, and was the father of Keith Mannisto, Dennis Mannisto, Eliisa Seigle of and Mark Mannisto.
Pictures below include a group of pictures of various planes from the 344th BG and a group of aerial photographs.
- Ramgern Bridge Rhine River
- Bridge Busting!
- Dusselldorf, Germany
- Holland
- Aerial photo of 8 planes of the 344th

July 2,1943 during a 15 mile hike near Mt. Clemens, MI: L – R is
1. Bill Marske – Ohio
2. Donald Blystom – Indiana
3. Edward A. Wiza – Penna
4. my dad, Pfc. Ralph A Mannisto – Michigan (with accordion)
5. Anthony Ferraro – Pueblo, Colorado
6. Pfc. Walter C. Stone Jr. – N. Car
7. ?
8. Pvt. Shannan Bargsis – W. VA
9. Pfc. Elmer Dale Surnney – Texas
10. S/Sgt B.D.Hendrix – N.C.