Cleveland Mayfield – Air Medal with Five Oak Leaf Clusters
Cleveland Mayfield and his family hailed from the small town of Ellijay, Georgia. After his Air Corps training he was sent to the ETO by the Southern Route. The crew for that flight is as follows;
Lt. Woodrum was later shot down and rescued by the French Underground. He wrote about it in his excellent book “Walkout.”
One of Mayfield’s earliest missions was on March 23, 1944. According the the 344th History by Lambert D. Austin, “The Creil Marshalling Yard again became the object of our attention on March 23, 1944. Thirty-seven planes flew the mission and dropped 288 X 500-pound bombs, dealing another “good” blow to this important rail point, striking the middle of the choke point, ruining engine sheds and destroying goods wagons and tracks over a considerable area.”
Missions came almost daily. For example, Cleveland Mayfield flew a mission on April 11, 1944. Again according to 344th records, “The marshaling yard at Montignies-Sur-Sambre heard the roar of the “Silver Streaks” formation above it and felt the weight of its 532 X 250-pound General Purpose bombs on April 11, 1944. Photographic evidence of the results were obscured to a great extent by cloud coverage, but did show hits on a building on the south edge of the yards and near-hits on the engine shed.
On April 13, 1944 344th BG records state, “We were to attack gun installations at Le Havre, but though thirty-seven aircraft took off to this task, the cloud coverage over the target precluded bombing and all returned to base with their bomb loads. Moderate flak was encountered, damaging four planes slightly but none were shot down.”
On April 19, 1944, Cleveland had an exhausting day that included two missions. According to 344th “Silver Streaks,” “Two missions were flown April 19, 1944. The morning mission, to attack a coastal gun defense position at Fecamp, was doomed to be a failure, due to the dense cloud coverage over the target. The second mission, however, gave us excellent results when we dispatched forty planes to a construction site (Noball) at Cocove. A heavy concentration of 1000- pound bombs scored direct hits on Ski sites and buildings in the target area. Eighteen of the planes received accurate flak fire, but damage to them was slight. No casualties to personnel resulted.”
Mission two of April 19, 1944 was to a “NoBall” site. These were the locations were V-1 “Buzz bombs” were launched.
A “Noball” construction site near Siracourt, received a full concentration of bombs from our Marauders on the second mission of April 22, 1944.
A few days later, on April 28, 1944 Cleveland wrote a letter home.
He wrote another letter on May 15, 1944.
On the morning of May 20, 1944, Mayfield’s formation was sent to an airdrome in Cambrai-Epinoy. No attack was possible do to the weather.
He wrote another letter date May 24, 1944.
Some records show that on May 28, 1944, S/Sgt. Sgt. Cleveland Mayfield, watching on board another bomber of the 344th Bomber Group, observed a plane in difficulty. No load list has been located with Mayfield on board. 42-95920 7I-L Smilin’ Joy II took a direct flak hit in the right engine over Amiens on the May 28, 1944 mission to the Amiens Marshalling yards. Four parachutes were spotted before the aircraft crashed 1km SE of Mayenville, 8 km SW of Abbeville, France. The pilot was 1st Lt. James Foster Reynolds who was flying the aircraft after the regular pilot & crew were on an R & R break. He was killed by the Germans as he descended by parachute. Two of the crew evaded capture and made it back to allied lines, two were captured, and two were killed. This was the aircraft’s 41st and last mission. Official MACR Summary Statement
On June 4 the bridge at Courcelles-sur Seine was assigned as a target with excellent results accomplished by the Silver Streaks. Seven planes were battle damaged and another crash landed in the United Kingdom and was destroyed. Fortunately no casualties resulted from this forced landing. One crewman was reported missing in action.
On June 7th, just eight days before his death, Cleveland wrote a letter home.
According to 344th Bomb Group Silver Streaks, “On June 8, a small railway bridge and railway embankment at Lessay was the objective with good to excellent results accomplished. One ship only was battle damaged.
According to 344th Bomb Group Silver Streaks, “On June 10 two missions were flown to destroy choke points at Valognes and road junctions at St. Lo. The Valognes attack was successful but the enemy defenses against us were accurate. One plane of the 496th Squadron was destroyed and six crewmen were reported missing, one crewman wounded and five planes battle damaged.”
According to 344th Bomb Group Silver Streaks, “On June 12, weather improved slightly from the previous day and the formation returned to Conde sur Noireau to strike the bridge at that point. Results were only fair. No injuries or losses resulted this date.”
According to 344th Bomb Group Silver Streaks, “June 13 two missions were flown. The marshaling yards at Lissieux and Mezidon were struck with excellent results. In the afternoon a choke point at St. Pierre sur Dives with fair to good results. Eight planes were slightly damaged.”
Cleveland Mayfield was to be given a furlough about this time. He made plans to visit his “Red Head” in London. Her name is not known, but she is pictured in this colorized photo below.
The story of Cleveland’s death is ironic. After flying about 30 missions he was given a few days furlough around the 14th June, 1944. Records show that Cleveland and crew didn’t fly on the 14th. He went to London to see his girlfriend there that he referred to as the “Red Head.”
Somehow he got off the train on the wrong side and was killed by an oncoming train.
On the 15th of June, the day Cleveland Mayfield died, his pilot flew with a different radio/gunner. The war continued.
Cleveland Mayfield was awarded the Air Medal with Five bronze Oak Leaf Clusters.
Notes and correspondence between Claude Mayfield and webmaster Carl Carrozza. Claude,
An amazing coincidence was that Cleveland flew to Europe as radio operator/side gunner in a plane called the Shopworn Angel. The pilot of that flight, Hank Woodrum, named the plane. Later the Shopworn Angel became the plane my father flew most often. Since he was also radio/gunner, they sat in the same chair!
I am attaching documents regarding two missions; June 4 and June 8 1944 June 4 he flew in a plane named Invictus / Empire State Express June 8 the plane was Feudin Wagin
Noticed the pilot was Burris both times. The rest of the crew was the same too. The co-pilot, Aiken, piloted my father from the US, across the Atlantic to England also using the Southern Route.
As a more experienced pilot, Burris “broke in” several co-pilots who later were promoted to pilot in the 495th Bomb Squadron. One of these was Harold Aiken, the very pilot who flew the webmaster’s father, Frank P. Carrozza to the ETO from the states.
Do you know if Cleveland is one of the men in the crew picture?
Hi Carl , that is just amazing you could find all Cleveland’s missions. He mentions expecting to get the air medal with two oak leaf clusters in his April 28, 1944 letter. His comments about how many missions he’d flown were censored but he implies he was on his way to 50. Just don’t know how close he got. I saw his medals long ago (before phone cameras) and am urging the cousins to find them and the dress uniform photo. Will you be able to add photos and information after the webpage is published? I feel closer to reliving Cleveland’s history than I ever dreamed possible and I and all Cleveland’s relatives can’t thank you enough.