2nd Lt. Robert L. Haag
Lt Robert L Haag, was a member of the 344th Bomb Group, 495th Bomb Squadron.
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.He flew as Co-Pilot of his B-26 Marauder. His pilot was Elgin R. Bowers.
One of his missions took place on June 4, 1944. The bomb group was assigned to destroy a bridge located at Courcelles Sur Seine, France. His plane that day was 42-95971 “Mary Mae II” Y5-O. Click here to see a map, crew (load) list, and pilot debrief report for June 4, 1944 mission Bowers-Haag.
On D-Day, June 6, 1944, Bowers and Haag flew the first mission of the day in 42-107814 “Bunny’s Honey II” Y5-X. Their position was right Lead in the 1st Box over Utah Beach. Note that the bombing by the 344th BG and other Marauders on Utah Beach was very successful and only 12 allied soldiers were lost. This is in contrast to Omaha Beach that was missed by the high flying B-17 Heavy Bombers. About 3000 lost their life on that beach. Click here to see the crew (load) list, formation, and pilot debrief for D-Day mission 1. Day Day June 6, 1944 mission 1 Bowers/Haag.