2016 344th/454th Bomb Group Reunion
The 344th/454th Bomb Group Reunion held their annual reunion in Tulsa, Oklahoma Sept 21-24.
Three veterans of the 344th BG were able to attend. Ed Horn, Otto Kirkpatrick, and Santo Endrizzi were happy to see each other once again.
The children, and other relatives of veterans that have passed were also in attendance.
On Thursday 9/22, the group took a bus tour of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
We also visited the Tulsa Air and Space Museum. Ed Horn was especially interested in some of the jet engines he worked on as an aeronautical engineer after the war.
On Friday 9/23, we took a bus to the Claremore Museum and the Will Rogers Museum. Click to see a video of our talented tour guide will-rogers-tourguide.
We had banquets on two of the evenings which included entertainment and a internet tour of the 344th BG website.

The singer performed many tunes from the WWII era, including funny novelty songs and nostalgic favorites.